



「双子の弟」と「自分」との「類似性と微妙な差異」を顕にする為に、頭の先から足の先までお互いの全身のパーツを接写して、それぞれを対比して見せていった。それが、処女作「DZ dizygotic twins」となる。

「DZ dizygotic twins」を制作・発表していく過程で、今まで双子として生きてきたことで向き合わざるを得ないいくつかの問いに改めて直面した。1つは、自分自身が双子であることを意識する必要性があるのか。また1つは、自分と顔の似た存在が知らないうちに自分として認識され、扱われている世界があることへの恐怖感とどう対峙すべきか。さらには、第三者から幾度となく見比べられるような眼差しに晒される中で、自分の「個」としてのアイデンティティをどのように確立すべきか。





I am an elder twin.

My brother and I have been bound together since infancy and often found ourselves the target of the curious looks of others. As a result, I have a natural awareness of the relationships of ‘look and looked at,’ or ‘self and other.’ Being in this situation, when I ask myself who the ultimate ‘other’ is, the person who immediately springs to mind is my ‘younger twin’, the person who has been beside me since our mother’s womb. I started by photographing him and this was the first step in my photographic career.

In order to express the ‘similarities and minute differences’ between ‘my younger twin’ and ‘myself’, I took closeup photographs of the various parts of our bodies, from the top of our heads the tips of our toes, then compared these. This formed my maiden work, DZ dizygotic twins.

When creating and exhibiting DZ dizygotic twins I found myself confronted afresh with various questions that I had been forced to face during my life up to that time as a twin. One was the necessity of being conscious of the fact I myself was a twin. Another was coping with the fear that there was another person in this world whose face resembled mine and who might be mistaken for and treated as me without my knowledge. Furthermore, I did not understand how I should go about establishing my own identity as an ‘individual’ when others were forever comparing me to him. 

I wondered how other twins faced this conflict and with a desire to learn the answer to this, I set out on a journey to meet other twins. This marked the beginning of the empathize series. 

Due to my own experiences, I certainly do not want to make a spectacle of twins as being something peculiar. I want treat each of them as proper ‘individuals’. Therefore, I feel I should not photograph them together in a single photograph as a ‘pair’ and so I photographed each in their own room, which is a strong expression of their individuality, confronting them head on with sincerity, then framing each work separately. 

To date, I have photographed a large number of twins and while doing so I have found that their recollections of life as a twin have often brought back memories of my own experiences and I underwent strange experiences where cherished memories I had forgotten suddenly came back to me. I was also able to meet a huge variety of twins: some resemble each other remarkable some do not, some may bright personalities while twins are subdued, some are different sexes, and some are unable to meet the other for various reasons. Even though they may all be twins, they all possess great individuality. Twins are all aware of their own personal identities and by having this variety recognized by those around them, they are able to establish themselves as ‘individuals’ within society; this is something that I felt strongly through meeting them. When I am photographing them, I experienced a sense of solidarity with them as twins and this has brought relief from the traumatic feeling of being a member of a ‘minority’ that I have experienced since childhood. 

This journey, weaving together individuality through twins, is one I will continue for the rest of my life. 

翻訳:ギャビン・フルー「至近距離の宇宙 日本の新進作家vol.16」展図録初出